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Battery Grip MB-D12 for Nikon D800 / D800E with a Battery Holder



搜索类型:   搜索内容:    部门经理:    提交时间: -   状态: 
1 总共 4 条, 每页20条S-DBG-0127
排序 提交人 原始型号 提问 回答 回答时间 状态 操作
S-DBG-0127 已审核(By Miriam)
提交时间: 2017-02-28 17:00:27
S-DBG-0127 已审核(By Miriam)
提交时间: 2017-01-21 15:41:28
S-DBG-0127 已审核(By Miriam)
提交时间: 2017-01-21 15:40:53
S-DBG-0127 已审核(By Miriam)
提交时间: 2017-01-21 15:40:37


操作人 内容 日期
Miriam 审核了FAQ
Question:hi, can you still place it on a tripod?
Answer:Sure can.
2017-02-28 17:34:40.397
Beryl 添加了FAQ
Question:hi, can you still place it on a tripod?
Answer:Sure can.
Answer Time:2017-02-28 17:00:05
2017-02-28 17:00:27.193
Miriam 删除了FAQ
Question:What about the warranty time for this product?
Answer:Warranty time for this product is 1 year.
2017-02-28 14:09:21.79
Beryl 添加了FAQ
Question:What about the warranty time for this product?
Answer:Warranty time for this product is 1 year.
Answer Time:2017-02-28 11:24:11
2017-02-28 11:24:15.18
Miriam 审核了FAQ
Question:Does this product only fit for Nikon D800 / D800E? How can I find a battery grip for other model?
Answer:Yes, if you want battery grip for other model, you can search on our website or contact the sales to find for you.
2017-01-21 17:51:37.52
Miriam 审核了FAQ
Question:Does it come with batteries?
Answer:No, the batteries are not included.
2017-01-21 17:46:33.857
Question:Does it come with batteries?
Answer:No, the batteries are not included.
Answer Time:2017-01-21 15:40:16.0
Question:Does it come with batteries?
Answer:No, the batteries are not included.
Answer Time:2017-01-21 15:40:16
2017-01-21 15:47:02.207
Question:What's the function for this battery grip?
Answer:You will feel more comfortable and steady when you take an upright picture, besides it supports stocking more batteries. It will help you so much when you take pictures outdoors.
Answer Time:2017-01-21 15:40:33.0
Question:What's the function for this battery grip?
Answer:You will feel more comfortable and steady when you take an upright picture, besides it supports stocking more batteries. It will help you so much when you take pictures outdoors.
Answer Time:2017-01-21 15:40:33
2017-01-21 15:46:40.493
Question:What's the function for this battery grip?
Answer:You will feel more comfortable and steady when you take a upright picture, besides it supports stocking more batteries. It will help you so much when you take pictures outdoors.
Answer Time:2017-01-21 15:40:33.0
Question:What's the function for this battery grip?
Answer:You will feel more comfortable and steady when you take an upright picture, besides it supports stocking more batteries. It will help you so much when you take pictures outdoors.
Answer Time:2017-01-21 15:40:33
2017-01-21 15:45:37.567
Beryl 添加了FAQ
Question:Does this product only fit for Nikon D800 / D800E? How can I find a battery grip for other model?
Answer:Yes, if you want battery grip for other model, you can search on our website or contact the sales to find for you.
Answer Time:2017-01-21 15:40:50
2017-01-21 15:41:28.957
Beryl 添加了FAQ
Question:Does it come with batteries?
Answer:No, the batteries are not included.
Answer Time:2017-01-21 15:40:16
2017-01-21 15:40:37.12


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