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18W 1573LM Module Light Strip, 180 Degrees Yellow White Light 20 x 3-LED SMD 5630 Module, DC 12V(Yellow)

18W 1573LM 20x3 LED模组, 每组3颗SMD 5630灯珠, 180度 DC 12V(黄色)


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1 总共 10 条, 每页20条S-LED-3389
排序 提交人 原始型号 提问 回答 回答时间 状态 操作
S-LED-3389 已审核(By Lindsay)
提交时间: 2017-03-22 14:05:24
S-LED-3389 已审核(By Lindsay)
提交时间: 2017-03-22 14:03:49
S-LED-3389 已审核(By Lindsay)
提交时间: 2017-03-18 13:58:58
S-LED-3389 已审核(By Lindsay)
提交时间: 2017-03-18 13:58:15
S-LED-3389 已审核(By Lindsay)
提交时间: 2017-03-18 13:57:33
S-LED-3389 已审核(By Lindsay)
提交时间: 2017-03-18 13:57:12
S-LED-3389 已审核(By Lindsay)
提交时间: 2017-03-18 13:56:58
S-LED-3389 已审核(By Lindsay)
提交时间: 2017-03-18 13:56:29
S-LED-3389 已审核(By Lindsay)
提交时间: 2017-03-18 13:54:48
S-LED-3389 已审核(By Lindsay)
提交时间: 2017-03-18 13:54:33


操作人 内容 日期
Lindsay 审核了FAQ
Question:what size of each LED?
2017-04-01 11:34:01.243
Lindsay 审核了FAQ
Question:IS it total 60 LEDs?
Answer:Yes, 20 groups and each group with 3 LED
2017-04-01 11:33:30.443
Grandy 添加了FAQ
Question:IS it total 60 LEDs?
Answer:Yes, 20 groups and each group with 3 LED
Answer Time:2017-03-22 14:03:53
2017-03-22 14:05:24.813
Grandy 添加了FAQ
Question:what size of each LED?
Answer Time:2017-03-22 14:03:26
2017-03-22 14:03:49.973
Lindsay 审核了FAQ
Question:Can i connect the lights to extend the length?
Answer:Yes you can, you might have to buy connecting adapter
2017-03-22 10:16:17.55
Lindsay 审核了FAQ
Question:When running multiple strings together do I need a capacitor? If so what size?
Answer:The entire string of 20 will light up with a regular power supply of 12 volts, also 8 volts will charge the entire string without a drop of illumination, anything below might need additional power.
2017-03-22 10:16:02.34
Lindsay 审核了FAQ
Question:How many of these can I hook together?
Answer:As many as you would like or as many as it batery cam handle
2017-03-22 10:15:49.687
Lindsay 审核了FAQ
Question:How are these powered? Do these come with power adaptors?
Answer:You need to buy separate power supply does not come with power supply you need 12v power supply.
2017-03-22 10:15:44.437
Lindsay 审核了FAQ
Question:Can these modules be easily separated to be used long ways (length wise) without undoing any of the solder/wiring?
Answer:Yes. They are connected by a strip of double sided tape. I used a razor blade to cut them apart.
2017-03-22 10:15:39.507
Lindsay 审核了FAQ
Question:Are these leds dimmable?
2017-03-22 10:15:31.34
Grandy 添加了FAQ
Question:Are these leds dimmable?
Answer Time:2017-03-18 13:58:17
2017-03-18 13:58:59.54
Grandy 添加了FAQ
Question:Can these modules be easily separated to be used long ways (length wise) without undoing any of the solder/wiring?
Answer:Yes. They are connected by a strip of double sided tape. I used a razor blade to cut them apart.
Answer Time:2017-03-18 13:57:34
2017-03-18 13:58:16.017
Grandy 添加了FAQ
Question:How are these powered? Do these come with power adaptors?
Answer:You need to buy separate power supply does not come with power supply you need 12v power supply.
Answer Time:2017-03-18 13:57:12
2017-03-18 13:57:33.853
Grandy 添加了FAQ
Question:How many of these can I hook together?
Answer:As many as you would like or as many as it batery cam handle
Answer Time:2017-03-18 13:56:59
2017-03-18 13:57:12.177
Grandy 添加了FAQ
Question:When running multiple strings together do I need a capacitor? If so what size?
Answer:The entire string of 20 will light up with a regular power supply of 12 volts, also 8 volts will charge the entire string without a drop of illumination, anything below might need additional power.
Answer Time:2017-03-18 13:54:50
2017-03-18 13:56:29.567
Grandy 添加了FAQ
Question:Can i connect the lights to extend the length?
Answer:Yes you can, you might have to buy connecting adapter
Answer Time:2017-03-18 13:54:35
2017-03-18 13:54:49.167


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