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Original LCD Screen for iPad mini

适用于iPad mini 原装液晶


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1 总共 6 条, 每页20条S-MIPAD-0702
排序 提交人 原始型号 提问 回答 回答时间 状态 操作
S-MIPAD-0702 已审核(By Jojo)
提交时间: 2016-12-23 14:25:26
S-MIPAD-0702 已审核(By Jojo)
提交时间: 2016-12-23 14:22:28
S-MIPAD-0702 已审核(By Jojo)
提交时间: 2016-12-23 14:20:07
S-MIPAD-0702 已审核(By Jojo)
提交时间: 2016-12-23 14:19:09
S-MIPAD-0702 已审核(By Jojo)
提交时间: 2016-12-23 14:18:39
S-MIPAD-0702 已审核(By Jojo)
提交时间: 2016-12-23 14:18:05


操作人 内容 日期
Jojo 审核了FAQ
Question:Installed the new lcd, not sure if the backlight is out on the lcd. i can barely see the apple and power button. is it defective?
Answer:Hold down the home button and power button at the same time for 10 seconds. Then wait for it to reset. You may have to turn power button back on.
2016-12-23 17:51:28.91
Jojo 审核了FAQ
Question:My screen is cracked, is this all I need to replace it?
Answer:This depends if your digitizer is also cracked. The digitizer is the outside glass layer that senses the touch. If the outside glass is cracked then you may need to replace this as well.
2016-12-23 17:51:27.71
Jojo 审核了FAQ
Question:Will this work for the iPad mini A1445?
Answer:Yes it will. Just ensure when you place it on to ensure you clean the connectors with rubbing alcohol and a q tip. And let it dry before connecting, this will give you the best chance for it to work.
2016-12-23 17:51:26.383
Jojo 审核了FAQ
Question:Is this just lcd or does it come with digitizer?
Answer:It is just the LCD only.
2016-12-23 17:51:24.73
Jojo 审核了FAQ
Question:The one I received has a number on the display- will that burn off or do I need to return it
Answer:That serial number was printed on the plastic screen protector. Test LCD with your iPad. It may be required to disconnect the battery connector once if the LCD does not come up at the beginning. Do not glue iPad until it is tested working. Carefully peel off that thin plastic screen protector sheet after testing.
2016-12-23 17:51:19.517
Melissa 添加了FAQ
Question:The one I received has a number on the display- will that burn off or do I need to return it
Answer:That serial number was printed on the plastic screen protector. Test LCD with your iPad. It may be required to disconnect the battery connector once if the LCD does not come up at the beginning. Do not glue iPad until it is tested working. Carefully peel off that thin plastic screen protector sheet after testing.
2016-12-23 14:25:26.683
Melissa 添加了FAQ
Question:Is this just lcd or does it come with digitizer?
Answer:It is just the LCD only.
2016-12-23 14:20:07.227
Melissa 添加了FAQ
Question:Will this work for the iPad mini A1445?
Answer:Yes it will. Just ensure when you place it on to ensure you clean the connectors with rubbing alcohol and a q tip. And let it dry before connecting, this will give you the best chance for it to work.
2016-12-23 14:19:09.04
Melissa 添加了FAQ
Question:My screen is cracked, is this all I need to replace it?
Answer:This depends if your digitizer is also cracked. The digitizer is the outside glass layer that senses the touch. If the outside glass is cracked then you may need to replace this as well.
2016-12-23 14:18:39.137
Melissa 添加了FAQ
Question:Installed the new lcd, not sure if the backlight is out on the lcd. i can barely see the apple and power button. is it defective?
Answer:Hold down the home button and power button at the same time for 10 seconds. Then wait for it to reset. You may have to turn power button back on.
2016-12-23 14:18:05.877


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