Original DJI 1,500-Nit High-Bright Remote Monitor 7-Inch Wide Color Gamut Touchscreen Display
原装大疆 1500 尼特图传高亮监视器7 英寸广色域触控屏
Features: 1. Mirror control mode 2. 1500 nits high brightness monitor 3. HDMI and SDI dual signal output 4. Independent recording and playback 5. Remote parameter adjustment and remote control
Specification: 1. Weight: The image transmission highlight monitor is about 727 grams (excluding antenna) 2. Dimensions: 213 mm long, 135 mm wide, 51 mm high (excluding antenna) 3. Battery life: 2 hours
Working frequency: When using the image transmission transmitter with an image transmission highlight monitor: Non-DFS bands: 2.400 GHz to 2.484 GHz 5.150 GHz to 5.250 GHz 5.725 GHz to 5.850 GHz
DFS band: 5.250 GHz to 5.350 GHz 5.470 GHz to 5.600 GHz 5.650 GHz to 5.725 GHz