1. Weight: 2 g 2. Material: Plastic 3. Dimensions: About 5.5 x 4 cm 4. Features: Safe and environmentally friendly, durable, clean and hygienic 5. How to use: 1. Select the correct size tool according to the scale size-the large hook is used for medium and large scales, and the small hook is used for small and very small scales. 2. Hold the handle between your thumb and index finger, and then slide the pronged end of the tool toward the scale line until it is caught by the prongs. 3. Gently lift the tool and rotate it a few (2-3) turns in either direction. You will feel the fleas loosen their mouths and you can safely pull the fleas
1. 重量:2 g 2. 材质:塑料 3. 尺寸:约5.5 x 4 cm 4. 特点:安全环保、经久耐用、干净卫生 5. 使用方法: 1. 根据刻度的大小选择正确尺寸的工具-大钩用于中等和大刻度,小钩则用于小和非常小的刻度。 2. 握住您的拇指和食指之间的手柄,然后将工具的叉形末端朝刻度线滑动,直到其被叉齿卡住。 3. 轻轻提起工具,并沿任一方向旋转几(2-3)圈。您会感觉到跳蚤松开了嘴巴,可以安全地拉起跳蚤